This is the first method I recall using to look at .pdf files from the command prompt. Basicly, it simply uses Ghostscipt to convert a page into a graphic, and then view it with zgv, an SVGAlib based image viewing tool. When I rethought this through a few days ago, and set it up as the current script below, I modified it to handle more than one page, and in the process, studied capabilities of zgv I was only vaguely aware of.
- Basicly, zgv has two modes of operation
- Browser Mode, capable of navigating and operating within the file system
- Viewer Mode
- The viewer mode has two self explanitory subdivisions
- Single image mode
- Slide show mode
- Some of the key underdocumented commands. These are just the ones I think most important not in the help mode.
- ? - context sensitive (but incomplete) help mode
- u - create thumbnails for use in browse mode
- n/t - un/tag image files
- N/T - un/tag all image files
- ^I (TAB) - Kick into slide show of all tagged files
- Return - Go from browse mode to viewing mode for an individual image
- Escape - Go from viewer mode back to browse mode
- Alt-f - show number of image files and tagged image files in the current directory
- : - show details about image file cursor is on
zgv may not be the GIMP or Photoshop, but it has much more capability than to simply throw an image on a console screen. I call the script below pdfgsview.
#!/bin/bash - # ############## security pack ############################## PATH='/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/games:~/bin' ; hash -r ; # - Bash Cookbook, 1st ed.,, #14.5 ulimit -H -c 0 -- ; # - Bash Cookbook, 1st ed.,, #14.6 IFS=$' \t\n' ; # - Bash Cookbook, 1st ed.,, #14.7 UMASK='002' ; umask $UMASK ; # - Bash Cookbook, 1st ed.,, #14.8 \unalias -a # - Bash Cookbook, 1st ed.,, #14.4 # ############## security pack ############################## set -e ; shopt -s nocasematch expand_aliases ; alias RM='/bin/rm -f 2> /dev/null ' ; alias MKDIR='/bin/mkdir 2> /dev/null ' ; alias LS='/bin/ls -A 2> /dev/null ' ; alias WC='/usr/bin/wc -l 2> /dev/null ' ; alias GS='/usr/bin/gs' ; alias EZGV='exec /usr/bin/zgv' ; USAGE="$0 -h | file.pdf |" ; VERSION='$Id: pdfgsview,v 1.3 2008/07/08 11:22:38 dallas Exp dallas $' ; THEPDFFILE=${1} ; case ${THEPDFFILE} in [-/][h?]* ) echo ${USAGE} ; exit ; ;; [-/]v* ) echo ${VERSION} ; exit ; ;; *.ps ) THETAG=${} ; ;; *.pdf ) THETAG=${THEPDFFILE%.pdf} ; ;; * ) exit ; esac if [ ! -f ${THEPDFFILE} ] ; then echo 'File needed' ; echo ${USAGE} ; exit ; fi if [[ ${THETAG} == */* ]] ; then THETAG=${THETAG##*/} ; fi ; THEDIR1='/tmp/pdfgsimages' ; THEDIR2="${THEDIR1}/${THETAG}" ; THEFILES="${THEDIR2}/${THETAG}.%03d.png" ; for ii in ${!THEDIR*} do if [ ! -d ${!ii} ] ; then RM ${!ii} ; MKDIR ${!ii} ; fi ; done ; RM ${THEDIR2}/* ; # THETEMP="/tmp/${THETEMP##*/}" ; RM ${THEDIR2}/*.png ; GS -SDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile=${THEFILES} - ${THEPDFFILE} <<QUIT QUIT count=$( LS ${THEDIR2} | WC ) ; case ${count} in 1 ) EZGV ${THEDIR2}/*.png ; ;; * ) EZGV ${THEDIR2}/ ; ;; esac ; exit ;
The 'security pack' mentioned above are some suggested actions to improve script security mentioned in the O'Reilly 'bash Cookbook'. There are others in the book, but these I judged 'no-brainers', in that they can simply be included and don't seem to even require understanding or any modification to use.